In this book, Suda’s unique and profoundly urban vision unfolds in a series of contrasts and allusions. The unexpected presence of animals and children’s mischievous looks fill up the streets, adding a sense of strangeness to these everyday scenes. From Tokyo to its surrounding prefectures, the photographer’s striking world is immersed in urban energy, bringing out - with a hint of humour - its spirit. The same energy can also be found in Suda’s trademark deep and contrasted blacks, a unique hallmark of his work.
“It was only upon our return to France that I realised Suda had passed away at 78, the exact number of prints we had intuitively selected on that autumn afternoon. This book is a tribute to the great photographer he was.” - Cécile Poimboeuf-Koizumi
24 x 28 cm
78 photographs
128 pages
French/ English / Japanese